

In this list all services described which are included in different subscription modes.


In order to maximize loading speed and minimize storage costs, we offer data storage as follows. The following data is stored on customized storage units with lowest possible loading time (hot storage):

Our entire hosting infrastructure for turbine twin is provided by ISO 27001 certified providers. All data is stored in data centres in Europe with redundancy.

Data Upload

Inspection data, consisting of images and metadata, can be uploaded to the portal using a file selection. Based on the metadata, inspections are linked to assets.

Image Optimisation

The previously uploaded images are rotated and cropped by our AI so that only relevant information is visible in the image. For example, the background is removed as far as possible. This serves the optimisation of storage space, but also, in particular, it supports the greatest possible work efficiency by enabling faster orientation in the image.

AI pre annotation

An AI based pre-annotation service will be integrated into turbine twin, which analyses the uploaded inspection data and enriches it with bounding boxes.

Rules Engine

This feature offers the opportunity of uploading a list of rules that can be applied to both new and old inspections, which, for example, can reset the severity.

Asset Register

The asset register lists all assets (currently sites, turbines, blades) in tabular form. A world or region map is also displayed for the sites, so that the site can be selected via the map. If the sites are filtered by region, only the region map is displayed. For the turbines, if filtered by exactly one site, a map is also displayed on which all turbines are drawn with their exact position. The maps can be enlarged using the scroll wheel and moved using drag and drop.

For each site, turbine and blade, it is possible to display the last inspection of just that site/turbine/blade with a single selection (assuming the corresponding module is available).

Functional location and equipment ID

The SAP functional location and SAP equipment ID can be entered in the asset register in order to create a link between the asset register and the SAP system. If the blades are filtered by exactly one turbine, the equipment ID and serial number are displayed for the three blades of the turbine, so that the entry in the table can be compared with the image. This double check ensures that the data for the blades has been entered correctly.

List of Inspections

This shows a list of inspections in tabular form. When hovering the mouse over the inspection ID, the corresponding image is displayed. If observations are present in the image, the corresponding bounding boxes are displayed.

Picture View

Clicking on the inspection ID opens the image in high resolution over almost the entire screen. The image can bee enlarged by scrolling. Drag and drop moves the visible section of the image. If observations have been entered for the image, these are displayed as a bounding box on the image. New bounding boxes can be created, existing ones can be modified or deleted. By clicking on the arrows to the right and left of the image, the same blade side’s image to the right or left are displayed. Three arrows above and below the image allow switching to the nearest images on the adjacent blade side.

Extended Picture View

All images of an inspection are displayed in a map-like view with 4 rows – one for each blade side. The mouse scroll wheel can be used to zoom. The user can move left and right through the map by mouse wheel, with another key combination to move up or down. Alternatively, the map can be dragged and dropped to the right/left/up/down. If the map is zoomed to an extent that essentially only one image is displayed, bounding boxes can be drawn or existing ones can be modified. All images are arranged within the map according to the radial distance. The radial distance is always visible, so that it is easy to find one’s way around the map. When a turbine and an inspection date are selected, a kind of coordinate system is displayed above the table. All images of the inspection are arranged as small icons within this coordinate system, where the mouse hover displays the respective image.

List of Damages

This shows a list of damages in tabular form. A damage combines several observations. When hovering the mouse over a damage, the last observation image for that damage is displayed on the left. In the middle, a list of all observations associated with the damage is displayed. On the right, the image associated with the inspection is displayed with all bounding boxes that may be present. By tapping the one key, the list of damages can be scrolled through without having to use the mouse.

Damages View

Similar to the Picture Viewer, the last observation image for the damage opens in high resolution across the entire screen. Bounding boxes can be edited and redrawn. The left/right and up/down arrows allow navigation to the next damage on the same blade.

Extended Damages View

Similar to the extended picture viewer, all damages of a blade can be displayed in a map view. As with the extended picture viewer, the damages of a blade are displayed in a kind of coordinate system

Damages Management

Various damages can be merged into one damage.

Extended Picture View / Extended Damage View: the individual pictures of a blade or of a blade from different inspections can be conveniently dragged and dropped onto each other so that the damages are consolidated.

Task Management

Tasks can be viewed and created within Task Management.

List of Damages: Each entry has a drop-down list, so that tasks can be created quickly and easily for each damage. By running through the list using the keyboard, a large number of tasks can be created at once in a very short time.

Data Upload Tasks / Work Orders / Campaigns

Tasks, work orders and campaigns can be imported.

Assign Tasks to Work Orders

Tasks can be added to work orders.

Group Work Orders to Campaigns

Work orders can be grouped into campaigns.

Campaign Management

Up to five service providers can be selected for a campaign, and they can bid on a campaign. The contractors can then submit a price and a time estimate for the campaign. After the offers have been submitted, the user can select a contractor to process the campaign, all work orders within the campaign and all associated tasks. At the end, the contractor can upload their timesheets, which are then linked to the tasks / work orders / campaigns so that the user can see how much time the contractor spent on which task.

Collaborator account management

New service providers who are to be able to process the campaigns can be set up directly by the user via the platform.

Mobile App – Pictures

The service provider can take pictures of the processing status of the tasks via their smartphone / tablet and these are automatically linked to the corresponding damage.

Mobile App – Cost documentation

The service provider can document their work and record the actual costs directly via their smartphone/tablet while they are working.

Cost forecast

A cost forecast for new damages can be created based on the actual costs of the repairs. This cost forecast could be displayed to the service provider

Analytics / Dashboard

At the moment, almost any analysis based on the available data can be provided as required. The customer will be able to configure the analyses independently.


All data displayed in table form can be exported to Excel format via download. All image files for inspections and damages can be exported along with their metadata.


All tabular data can be sorted by multiple columns (first column A in normal order, then column B in reverse order, etc.)


All tabular data can be filtered by multiple values (column A, values V1 and V2) and (column B, values V3 and V4), etc.

User experience

All processes are designed to optimise loading time and to make all functions accessible with the minimum number of clicks.

User management

The customer can independently create as many users as they like to work with the system. Different access rights can be granted to the users.


The standard support is provided via a ticket system with a guaranteed response time of 24 hours (weekdays). When the support module is booked, telephone support is available with a guaranteed response time of 3 hours during normal working hours.


All data is backed up in another data center than the original data.

Upload all Tables

An upload can be carried out immediately for each tabular view in order to be able to directly import changes made to the data, e.g. via Excel, back into the system.